The False Choice Between the Earth and the Economy
Moving Past Lies to a Healthy Planet & Stable Economy
“It’s not climate change that needs to be tackled. It is the political power of the fossil fuel industry.”
~ Richard Denniss, Chief Economist at The Australian Institute
A common argument among climate deniers is that moving toward a cleaner and more eco-friendly future would mean the death of the economy. The idea that we can have either a healthy planet or a stable economy is a false choice. It is possible, and will be absolutely necessary for the next generation, to reduce our impact on the planet and keep the economy going.
The Arguments For & Against Saving the Earth
Environmentalists, climate scientists, and politicians interested in taking action on climate change argue that we are the last generation with the time to act on this issue. The science is definitive and many areas of the world, including places in the United States, are already dealing with the impact of climate change. Ignoring the issue is not productive for the future of the country. This “side” believes that the increase in clean energy jobs will offset any jobs lost, as we move away from polluting sources of energy and toward renewable technologies.
The most vocal climate deniers in government always point to the economy and jobs as reasons to ignore the climate crisis and just pretend it isn’t happening. They scare people with frightening tales about the economy collapsing and jobs being lost, if we take any steps toward protecting the environment. This is just an excuse to avoid taking action and protect their own interests. In reality, many of them are getting huge handouts from the fossil fuel industry.
An Unintended Experiment
The impact of human activity on the environment has been endlessly debated with some refusing to concede any impact of human activity on the warming planet. The worldwide shut down early in the COVID-19 pandemic provided clear evidence of the impact of our activity on the planet. As the pandemic disrupted travel and slowed economic activity, there was a massive decrease in global air pollution.
In the early months of the pandemic, during the most widespread shut downs, the world saw a significant decrease in both carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. Air quality was better than it has been in decades because we slowed the amount of pollution being pumped into the atmosphere. Clearly, our activity is driving the increase in pollutants and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Moving forward, we need solutions with no further time wasted debating the issue.
The Connection Between the Environment & Economy
The first step is to recognize the noise as a false choice. Despite what our politicians are paid by the energy industry to say, we do not need to sacrifice the environment and our future at the altar of the economy or Wall Street. The truth is exactly the opposite. We can have both environmental justice and a robust economy. The future health of the environment and the economy are connected.
Not only is it a false choice, but the impact of climate change may also have devastating consequences for the economy. Rising global temperatures is expected to cause billions in property loss when coastal properties in several states are underwater. The increase in temperature is predicted to significantly reduce annual crop yields in the United States and other countries.
Acting now can actually help ensure a strong economy in the future. Following the advice and heeding the warnings of environmental and industry groups can limit the temperature increase, which may help us avoid the worst effects of climate change. Taking steps to decarbonize the global economy offers abundant opportunities for innovation, job creation, and economic growth.
Expecting corrupt politicians to stop peddling oil and gas PR and act to protect our environment is a big ask. But it isn’t impossible. Although they are paid off by polluters, they actually work for us. We can decide to hold them accountable for their failure to act on this, and other important issues, and vote them out if they refuse. They are as replaceable as outdated, dirty energy sources.